Thursday, September 29, 2011

Door Draft!

I have been playing down in my "cave" and because of the winds we get where we live. I know that in Portugal you think you only get lovely sunny weather. Well mostly we do, lovely blue skies, hot weather etc. Saying that we are getting a late summer, of 31ยบ, which to be honest is not normal at the end of September.

Anyway I decided to make a draft stopper for our main door into the house. Here is the finished result. I unfoutnately used a whole bag of stuffing, which had been put to one side for Sara to make her teddy bear. Not a very happy girl when she got home from school today to find I had used the whole lot up.Oops. Anyway here is a picture of it. I am really pleased with it, if I say so myself.
Now what shall I do next?!


  1. Lovely Helen. Another great project. I love the little houses and the church ( I think is a church)!

  2. I love your door stopper!
