Sunday, June 27, 2010

Wednesday's class

Last Wednesday's class was where the ladies could finish their projects or ask for help on something specific they wanted to learn, which we call "Livre" which translated means free to choice what they want to work on. I do this once a month, so people get a chance to catch up on their work.
Sofia brought in her finished project from the Mystery Class we did and as you can see it wasn't reds!
Here are the ladies busy working on their individual projects.

And Maria showing Sofia how she uses the blanket stitch on her sewing machine for applique.
And Sofia's finished project with a little help from Maria.Here are some of the designs Maria has used from her Singer sewing machine to make a duvet cover for her daughter.
And finally here is Manuela working on her bag.
Here is a picture of Marta's finished bag that she sent me. She is pregnant and the baby is due any time. Like 10 days and she found time to come to class to make a bag!
She used what she had at home to make this bag.

We will be doing this bag on Wednesday. So if you are interested in making this bag contact Arco Iris A Metro here to confirm your place and what you need to bring with you.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Mystery Project Class

Yesterday I did a mystery project whereby last week the ladies received instructions to sew 8 strips of fabric starting with a light fabric and ending with a dark colour, a bit like Bargello and that was all they were given. And this is what they had to make.
Here is Regina's in reds and blacks

And Paula went for creams and browns
and Manuela hadn't yet finished cutting all her pieces, but chose blue.
Fernanda had only sewn 6 fabrics together but then added red in the middle and used a different method.
And we had a show of her runner which will be put on the floor!

This isn't all of it! And also she painted the back with special paints which puff up, which become rubber (like on non-slip soled socks you can get, not explaining it very well). The picture doesn't do the work justice.
In the afternoon I had another group of ladiesm but no pictures as they weren't ready to show. Sofia brought her kaleidoscope, so that she could choose the border and binding. Her mystery project is in blues, I am slowly getting her to use other colours besides REDS.
And Mariya was working on the surprise present for her Dad, which we can't show yet. She brought her circle jean project which she has turned into a cross the shoulder bag.
And this is the project for this Saturday afternoon at Arco Iris a Metro.
Until next time.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wednesday Class

Today I forgot my camera, so there are no pictures to show what the ladies were doing. They brought their old jeans and some squares of fabric today and got down to cutting cirlces from the jean fabric. Here is my picture along with a cathedral window panel.
Some are going to make a bag from the sixteen panel and others a pillow. A couple are thinking of making it into a large quilt. The idea for the blue jean circles comes from here.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Last two classes

I haven't posted as I have had a few things going on what with work and.....

Anyway the last two classes the ladies have still be trying to work out how they are going to put theire kaleidoscope blocks together. Here is Fernanda's
and Carmen's
and Mariya's who this week became a casulty of the dreaded rotary cutter!
And finally here is Sofia's who is normally a red fabric lady!

And here is a show and tell from Aldora who popped in to show what she had been working on at home, as she is not able to come every week to class.