This week the ladies were shown how to make a Wonky Rail quilt. Here is Manuela busy sewing her strips together.
Here is Helena's who is going on to make some more into a large quilt, which by the next time I see her she will have completed it!
And here is another colour variation which is for this lady's (oops name again) grandaughter. Which is her second project on from the beginners.
Here is mine, which I haven't quilted yet, because I still haven't decided whether I am going to add some applique to it or not.
And here is a small sampler for those ladies at the class who might be interested in doing this project on 12th May. I wish now I had made it bigger, as it would look lovely on a bed for the summer.
And finally in the post yesterday turned up my parcel from Australia, which Irene and I are excited about. It is Lynette Anderson's latest BOM called Scandinavian Christmas, we managed to get just the patterns rather than do it as a BOM with fabric, so that we can choose what colours we want to do it in.
Tomorrow is the 1st May and is a public holiday here in Portugal, so no class at Arco Iris A Metro.